Thursday, July 2, 2009

Don't Draw Trumps

This hand proved too difficult for most of the players in my local club.



Green against red, you reach 4S from the South hand after partner's 1D opening was overcalled with 2C on your right. West leads a low club which you ruff. What now?

Against me (I was East), declarer led a sneaky low diamond to his queen. I ducked from Kxx fearing South was void so now declarer ruff another club and led a heart towards his king. I won and exited with a heart. South won, ruffed another club, played Ace of diamonds, ruffed a diamond and ruffed his last club with the Ace. In the three-card ending, he ruffed a red card with the eight end-playing my partner to lead into his KJ of trumps. 11 tricks made +450 and a complete top. One other declarer made +420; all the others were -50 or -100.

My hand was:

-- Axxx Kxx AJT8xx

Yes, I misdefended. If I win the K of diamonds and cash the Ace of hearts, partner will probably come to two spade tricks for down one. But the hand is always making 11 on a club lead if you ruff in dummy, play a heart to the King, play the ten of hearts to the Ace, win the heart return in dummy discarding a diamond (no other return is better), Ace of diamonds, ruff a diamond, ruff a club, ruff a diamond, ruff a club.

This leaves:



Now cash the Ace of spades and when East discards, play a diamond throwing your last club. West is forced to ruff and lead a trump into your tenace.

I can only assume most declarers tried to draw trumps and ended up losing a diamond, a heart and two trumps.

They say that may of the tramps under the Charing Cross arches are there because they forgot to draw trumps. I bet many of them are there because they drew trumps too early.

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